北京要开始“禁摩限电”新政策了! [article]
Beijing to start ‘Prohibiting motorbikes & limiting electric scooters new policy!’
This entire article is about electric scooters breaking the rules, and generally being the dickbags that they are, and in fact the one scene in which they show a motorbike rider, he is sitting patiently at the lights waiting for it to turn green.
In this article basically they say that in Shenzhen they’ve just introduced a law that will fine people driving scooters when they break a traffic law.
From which you’re left thinking… This wasn’t being done before?
And then they have the audacity to put motorbike riders and electric scooter drivers into the same basket. Oh yeah they’re all bad.
Why is the title ‘Prohibit motorcycles, and limit electric scooters’?
If they show the video of all the electric scooters breaking all the traffic rules, and motorbikes doing nothing of the kind, why crucify motorbike riders?
And more to the point, why make the penalty for driving a motorbike greater than the scooter if they’re not the ones doing anything wrong.
Surely that’s retarded right??
“Look at all these scooters… all these bastards… I know what we’ll do…I know what the solution is, we’ll ban motorbikes” “and we’ll limit scooters”
看!空气污染这么严重, 所以我们应该禁止飞机!
“Look the air is full of pollution. I know what we’ll do, we’ll ban aeroplanes.”
The reasoning behind these 2 sentences honestly uses about the same logic.
Also how about the police just do their damn jobs in the first place and enforce the laws that they already have?
You don’t have to make a new law, if you make a new law and that one is not enforced then what do you think that is going to achieve?
By the way you can restrict motorbikes quite easily but not so much electric scooters.
Motorbikes need petrol, if you make it necessary for all petrol stations to check for drivers licenses then for those that don’t have them… (that have not gone through the proper procedures to be able to drive a motorbike), then they won’t be able to get petrol, and then they can’t drive.
I realise it’s not going to stop everyone, but it’s a 70% kind of thing. Because its then up to the petrol stations to enforce this. But somehow in this crazy world that we call China I somehow believe petrol station attendants can enforce the regulations better than police can.
But for scooters…what are you going to do? Go into people’s houses and ask people for their license as they’re recharging their batteries? No.. you can’t do that.
I have heard there’s such thing as a ‘Beijing traffic safety certificate’ (北京交通安全证)that electric scooter drivers are supposed to have, but how are you going to enforce this?
I heard it when I was studying for my motorbike transference license, when I was at the Department of Transport & Licensing in Beijing asking all the necessary questions of what was needed.
But the fact that no one else has heard of it kind of shows how much this decent enough policy was enacted.
So what are they planning in Beijing then?
10 major roads are going to be restricted, mainly Changan avenue though… look that one up people, you know its significant for a reason but you won’t know why until you look it up. (the one that goes past Tiananmen Square)
And …and this is the big one, there will be a 20 rmb fine for those people that are caught not obeying the rules.
20 rmb you say? Holy shit, well that changes everything.
[Oh, for my Chinese friends, that’s sarcastic…. 我讽刺说啊]
That’s utterly ridiculous.
Let me just tell you that this kind of logical thinking (or rather lack of logical thinking)… to see a situation like this and then just ‘apply a new law because that will fix everything’ is not how Chinese people in general think. This is a gov. mandated thing, and most likely as well it’s a reporter trying to make a name for herself. While she only caught proof of electric scooters breaking the law, as the video shows, unfortunately as the news is also the mouthpiece of the gov. she also has to reflect their broader policy. Ie. ‘We don’t like motorbikes. ’
Why? I haven’t found a reason to that yet. Maybe some member has a vendetta against motorcycles.
But anyway this is the Chinese conversation I had with a Chinese friend after reading this article. I apologise for my Chinese, sometimes its not always awesome.
我= Me 她= her
我:This is more against scooters right? Because in the one 镜头你能看到一个真的摩托车,他在红绿灯等变绿灯。我觉得只有电动车的问题不是摩托车
她:对呀,骑摩托车的人都有驾照,那些骑电动车的就不一定了 但是我不太明白,那个文章里面只说了电动车的问题,没有提摩托车,但是为什么标题说“禁摩限电”?
我:对,我完全同意,除了一个方面。不一定所有摩托车有驾照。除非你fangce 说 (unless you said this sarcastically)
我:还有对,我不知道为什么他们只想禁止人骑电动车,as you say, 不是电动车是这样的人
(I might have said I know some people that don’t have their Chinese motorbike license, so not ALL motorbike drivers have their license)
她:好吧[Sweat] “骑摩托车的人应该都有驾照”,重点是应该
对,应该 这是关键词
但是为了一个摩托车他们会…. (and then speaking about the ability to enforce a motorbike through filling up with petrol, but for a electric scooter you can’t do this)
她:交通安全证 可能是一个好方法,但是执行起来可能有点困难,就像你说的,他们不需要加油,没有人能监督他们。 但是如果卖电动车的人跟买车的人要驾照或者交通安全证,可能会好一点儿,就行药店卖的处方药一样
我:但是应该跟摩托车一样,如果你 break the law, 犯规很大
我:Or…. or…. 或者警察可以开始做他们的工作,就执法现在的交通规则。我们不需要一个新的 规则,如果执法现在的规则就行。
她: “ 因为如果他们说,OK,现在我们发布了新的规则,但是还是没有执法,那问题还是一样的。 ” (she is correcting me to make my Chinese more awesome)
I hear this countless times by the way, “oh I don’t like politics, I’m not really that interested in it”
Do… you not understand what the word ‘politics’ means?
Its important because its about how the country that you live in is governed, what rules are made, and how these rules will affect your life.
I think that’s pretty important.
And pretty damn easy to take an interest in.
A stupid motorbike rule, policemen not doing their jobs, laws not being enforced because it creates confusion and somehow the people that run the country like it that way, retarded new laws being made….this is all politics!
Not interested in politics? Don’t understand it? You can understand this right? You’re angry at this right? You’re already well on your way to getting involved in politics.