Living in china and the 4 basic necessities

Taken from a conversation with a friend after a bout of food poisoning from some dumplings he ate the day before.

A: Honestly, I’m starting to be tired of Chinese food just because of that
-I’ve never had food poisoning in my life before coming to China
-And now this is like three times in the last year
-Pretty sure food poisoning isn’t really good for your body
B: Hahha… and the texture..
A: Nah but like so many sauces/spices/herbs
-You simply can’t taste the actual food anymore
-I think I’m definitely going stick with western food more and more
-Really makes you wonder why we like this country so much when it lacks so many of the very basics
-Food that doesn’t make you sick
-Water that doesn’t make you sick
-Alcohol that’s not fake
-Air that doesn’t make you sick
-I don’t think it gets more basic than that haha
-I can kind of understand why my friends don’t really want to visit me here

B: Food, air, water ….all makes you sick
-The only thing they’re missing is shelter that makes you sick
A: Oh I’m sure the shitty materials they use do
-And the fact that buildings just collapse every now and again
B: Oh yeah.. earthquakes… schools
(referring to the 2008 Sichuan earthquake in which government built schools collapsed because the local gov was trying to save money by not meeting all required safety standards…apparently pocketing the difference)
-Wow…. china has it all

A: Although you may argue, death isn’t exactly sickness
B: Hahahahaha
-Yep that’s what the gov will argue…
A: Hey if you’re dead you’re not suffering
-And your family might even get money!
A: That’s the golden argument right there
-Moniessss !
B: Yep, Socialism with chinese characteristics!
A: What a lovely place

Water- It obviously not that China doesn’t have clean water, it’s just that it’s not available for free.
Air- you’ve seen the news.
Food- there’s a reason that the chinese go-to excuse for pulling a sick day is ‘拉肚子’ la duzi (diarrhea) instead of just saying…”I’m sick” … and that’s because it’s relatively common. Go figure.
Shelter- To be fair Chinese construction has got a lot better in recent years.  Although I think much of this came through trial-and error, a bit like Chinese medicine I guess. But either way this is improving.

What a lovely place.

So who is the illogical ones in this situation?

We are, the 2 foreigners having this conversation.
Because we both come from countries which have all these.
But in fact the reason why we’re here is because it’s almost as if our own countries are already good.  It’s gone through all the phases of progression and growth has now slowed down and relative to China everything is perfect….  too perfect.

But, its that reason why we’re here, because that is also boring to some regard.
We’re attracted to the madness of China.

The madness like explained above?  …not quite but still.

The madness of China is great, and as you see from the stories in this site there’s a lot of madness.

What a lovely place.

Lock the damn doors

Ever walked into the bathroom and tried to use one of the cubicles because you saw that it was unlocked, only to find a middle aged Chinese man squatted over a hole, puffing on a cigarette, and pumping out a bog staring at you as you open the door?

Believe it or not, this is a reasonably frequent event…. in China.

Dude, just lock the damn door.

Why is it always the same type of guy as well?

It’s not a younger person, it’s not a guy that doesn’t smoke, it never seems to happen on the ‘western toilets’, it’s literally always a middle-aged, chain-smoking, poo-pumping Chinese man.

And what’s more he doesn’t really seem surprised.

He never seems to say anything when you open the door and involuntarily groan. ‘errr…wtf?’

It’s almost as if he was expecting to have someone open the door.

And dude, come on, the door has locks. It’s just that either you’re into voyeur or you just didn’t think it was worth your time.

Again no care for other people’s well being of thinking ‘perhaps other people don’t want to see a grown man squatting down taking a shit.’

Or …on the other hand, maybe he has thought about that… and he just wants to make you suffer.

Smelly toufu – chou doufu (臭豆腐)

For those of you that don’t know what this is, its not just me making up words

The Chinese actually translates to smelly (or bad smell) tou fu.

It’s this thing that they normally sell outside subway stations, which smells god-awful, if you walk past or just come out of the subway… you usually involuntarily let out a  “ahhh what that f**k?” as you quickly try to cover your nose with your scarf or hand or something.

I don’t quite understand this but they most often sell it during winter.

The ‘advantage’ over normal toufu, is that this is fried, and so it has less of that terrible squishy texture that soy bean curd always has…however..

The ‘aroma’ is incredibly strong, I would say its on par with the smell of excrement, not smelling the same but on the same level in terms of foul nose harassment, but just 1 level under the smell of vomit, but let me stress it is strong. Even if you’re 10 meters away you can smell this stuff.

So how does it taste?

I’ve literally heard many people say this, “oh yeah it smells like shit, but actually the taste is not so bad”

First of all I wonder… if they admit that it smells like shit… why come to the conclusion that this is something that they want to eat?

Surely, and I use that word delicately now, surely when you smell something that is just terrible, the natural animal reaction is to get away from that smell as soon as possible?

Humans are animals, and I realise we are capable of ignoring our animal instincts, but most of them are pretty useful in saving us from general forms of danger.  You hear a loud roar and it scares you.. you run away. Similarly, even animals poo away from where they eat, because obviously it smells bad, but also because it can carry disease and if somehow you manage to eat it … it causes dysentery.

Animals have managed to figure this out, why go against our animal instincts when it seems these are there to protect us?

And going back to this quote “oh yeah it smells like shit, but actually the taste is not so bad”

I would hope that if something smells that damn terrible, and in the end you actually do choose to eat it, it had better taste amazing. Otherwise… surely it’s not worth it right?

If something tasted just average but it smelt terrible, I think the logical choice would be to eat something that tastes average but doesn’t smell like shit.

Ideally you would want to eat something that smells great and tastes amazing, but forgoing that, surely anything that smells on par with shit, should have to taste damn amazing if you’re going to choose to eat it. And moreover pay money for it.

dog food should not be used inside human food

A long time ago I was studying hard for my HSK 4 test, I chose a quiet café next to university where students were not in pointless competition to drink themselves under the table despite not actually competing against anyone in particular.

I was on a good studying streak, things were starting to sink in… so I though fuck it I’ll eat dinner here.
Yeah, it’s a chinese café, and the coffees taste a bit shit, but on the plus side they have a menu with Western stuff on it.  How can I go wrong?   – (yes, it was probably illogical of me, knowing what I know from living in China to just utter those words in the first place)
I ordered Lasagne.  — kind of thinking to myself, how can they fuck this up, you have to pasta on it, cheese, and it says niu rou (beef).
Yep.  I was wrong.
It was probably the worst lasagne I have ever tasted.  I kept prodding it, looking at it like it was verbally offending me…. FUCK  de goo ton disgusting!
It tasted like it was made from that disgusting pork that you find selling out the front of subway stations.
You know the one I mean… the one’s selling right next to the smelly doufu, where with either one you have to cover your nose because its that bad.
It’s the meat that a friend feeds to his dog.  And just like eating dog food…its probably not damaging to human health…  but that doesn’t make it a good fucking idea.
When I confronted them about it, after I just couldn’t pretend that what I was eating was food anymore, they said  ‘oh no it is beef, you see’
The girl even went into the kitchen to check.
That was either that crappy pork sausage or rat or something..  Terrible!

Then she said something as if to shift the blame onto me, ‘oh but in fact you’re the first foreigner to complain, all the other foreigners have no problem eating this’

‘Yeah but were they drunk?’   I mean in reality let’s give them a little credit, ….this tastes like shit…. How drunk could they be?   ….oh wait, all the bars have fake alcohol….. the answer is VERY.

As to how they could pass this shit off as food I have no idea.
But one thing is certain they are all dicks

The logic of driving safely in China

We just finished a team building sports event at work, and the plan was , that everyone would pile in the cars and we’d all go off and have dinner together.

Only 1 person knew how to get there, so obviously we’re doing the whole follow the leader jobby.

Suddenly one of my colleagues says ‘can I have a go on your motorbike’ to which I said ‘sure.. ‘ , because he said he’s ridden one before, or his family used to have one or something along these lines.

So I’m on the back with the helmet… because I didn’t plan for this so just because he says he wants to ride doesn’t mean I’m going to grant him everything here.

Anyway, I thought that when people say, ‘I know how to ride a bike, my family had one’   then… , you know,… they actually do know how to ride the bike.

Ah… now I know differently.

This sentence could mean anything from… I’ve ridden one without a clutch, …I can ride an electric scooter, I have ridden a real motorbike once…therefore I am an expert, or maybe genuinely (& rarely) …they actually do know how to ride a bike.

This was not one of those cases.

First of all, he starts in 2nd.

He asked me…if I really wanted to, could I set off in 2nd?

To which I said ‘..yeah technically you can set off in any gear, but its not good for the bike.’

Turns out he just heard ‘yeah…’

And …so off he started in 2nd,

I’m always willing to give someone the benefit of the doubt… but I think that’s beginning to change.

So …simple idea, follow the cars in front. There were 3 cars, and we were following the 2nd one…. But by the time we got out of the sports complex we were already in last position.

Turn right, and then turn left at the traffic lights…however somehow my colleague that was driving…is somehow in the right hand lane at the traffic lights he’s supposed to be turning left at.  And I’m like ‘you know we’re turning left right?’

‘Oh yeah, ok.’

I’m starting to think that he thought I knew where we were going, not that we were following  the 3 cars.

But anyway.

He proceeded to drive…poorly  would be a good way to put it. Dangerously would be another, maybe more precise way.

Starting in 2nd at every traffic light, changing quickly up to 4th or 5th gear, in 4th gear at 40km/h… on my bike you should be in 2nd. Not looking in his mirrors or checking blind spots, riding way to close to the side of the road, and then going 80 in 5th and not changing up to 6th. , oh and then …seemingly forgetting to put the clutch in to change gears…so thinking he has, but in fact he hadn’t…so revving it in 4th.

Also generally when you come to traffic lights you use engine braking, therefore you’ll be in the right gear when you get to the traffic lights and its safer because you have more control of the bike… but oh no, not this guy.
Late braking, sharp cornering, just putting on the back brake….arriving at the traffic lights in 4th gear.   …oh my god.

Anyway, I was shouting at one point… ‘you have to start in 1s !!’, …probably at the time that he’s trying to pull off the traffic lights in 4th.   And saying things constantly like ‘watch out’, ‘there’s the cars, they’re going left…they’re going straight now’

Needless to say after one particular episode of me saying you got to go faster… you’re going to lose the cars we’re following’ and him saying ‘ are we going left?’

‘What?  No, we’re following the cars…’

And then we lost the cars… they had gone through 1 set of traffic lights, and had turned left at the next one or something, but we didn’t know any of that because my colleague had got himself stuck behind a truck.

Anyway, finally we get to the 1st set and he says, ‘where do we go?’

Well I don’t know, YOU lost the cars you idiot.

But of course I didn’t say that… I said, ‘ok stop, pull over, and I’ll ring someone’  (I had to turn on the indicator …oh and the light at the start…because clearly its more safe if people can see you, especially if you are a black bike on the side of the road, at night. And many Chinese drivers don’t have their lights on either.


Finally got the directions, at which point I said ‘right, I’m driving’  and he genuinely looked surprised.

Which I would have laughed at given the context, but I was too angry for that.

As I was driving, and him on the back with my phone giving me directions, to which he managed to say something like… ‘you took a wrong turn’   with me thinking… who the fuck is looking at the map, and meant to be telling me where to go? huh?

Anyway, he’s now on the back going… ‘slower slower , its coming up… ‘ to which I’m thinking… we’re in complete darkness.. and we’re looking for the restaurant in a shopping mall… how about we slow down when we can see the shopping mall?   But no, he wasn’t having an of that..

Finally got to the restaurant but now, because I was driving… my other colleagues all think it was my fault. Anyway…

Someone inevitably asked how was my colleague’s driving, did he drive fast?  To which I said ‘no’.. but thought, fast isn’t the question…unsafe is more the question, and that answer is definitely yes.

And then they asked my colleague how was my driving, to which he said ‘fast…I think when its night time you need to be more safe’

Safe?  Safe?  Wtf man?  How do you have the audacity to comment about driving safely when it was you that couldn’t concentrate on following 3 cars, and driving at the same time, in fact you couldn’t even concentrate on driving safely at all.

Plus in my opinion…to a point anyway, driving fast doesn’t have anything to do with driving safely…

And on the flip side, just because someone drives slowly, it doesn’t mean that they’re a safe driver.

I’ve got family members that proves that not to be the case.

I mean by that logic, old people are fantastic drivers… and I’m pretty sure that’s not true.

Driving safely is more about actually concentrating on your surroundings.. being familiar with your vehicle and…actually driving safely… not about speed. (again within limits)

He said to me… ‘I think you should drive more slowly, considering that its dark. ‘

True, I was going 90-100 in an 80 zone, but … it was a 2-lane major road, separated by a barrier from the other side… with no other cars on the road, and I was on the outside lane so that if someone did pull out.. I had enough distance.

Don’t forget he is saying this , knowing that he had just been driving  really slowly, next to the curb, had just lost not 1, but 3 cars he was meant to be following and was completely willing to drive without lights on or use indicators…in the dark.

Idiocy. Pure idiocy.

I realise if everyone is driving slowly, there is less chance of big crashes… but that doesn’t mean there’s less chance of crashes full stop.   Because even though they’re driving slowly…they’re also driving incredibly unsafely.

Most people are on their phone when they drive, I’m sure many people have bribed there way to pass their license, if you learn how to drive a motorbike in china.. they don’t actually give you any real lessons…, I’ve seen people reading books…actual books in stop start traffic.. and as I was finishing the rest of my journey last night I saw another motorbike driver using his phone whilst turning a corner.

I don’t even know how that Is possible… I mean sure he was driving slowly… (and for once he actually had the green light)  but… I don’t think it can be said that because he was driving slowly he was driving safely.

I’ve often heard that Chinese people  just have a different logic than other people.

I think no.
First of all some Chinese people have ‘normal logic’.  Few, but some,

And no. logic is logic, if you’re given all the same information.. logically…provided you’ve thought about things rationally…you should come to the same answers.

And this is clearly not the case.

The only way that this IS the case, is that sure, they’ve got the same information…but they haven’t provided rationality to their thinking… and therefore have come to a different answer.  ie. the wrong answer.

Let me just say though in summary….the stereotype is definitely true.

Passive aggresive un-needed insults

In my experience Chinese people seem to be pretty good at ‘by-the-way insults’

For example–

“hey you’re pretty good at Chinese….. you’re so much better than john.”

(Johns sitting right there)

With John thinking….wow, you just gave a compliment to someone, and apparently you couldn’t resist insulting me in the same sentence….. what a dick!

what a view…

Toilets in China have long been a big topic for foreigners. … Although nobody, especially women, want to have detailed conversations about toilet conditions, because the fact that in China there are just such big extremes …this actually comes up a lot, and in much more detail than anybody would care for.

It is slowly changing…. Hooray!

But…. Depending on where you go…well squat toilets are usually the norm.

We’re talking about PUBLIC toilets here.  As in most apartments they will have proper sit down ones, and hotels… at least from my experience, they all have this.. Hostels, especially in the country side…not guaranteed, but anyway…

Sometimes you will enter a public toilet, … there will be no lights, and just 3-4 squat toilets all in a row…  all luckily facing the wall, and sometimes they will have little dividers so that you can’t see poo coming out of the person next to you..   awwww how considerate.

However there are NO doors.  So as soon as you walk in… you can see everyone squatting down taking a shit, in all the glory that this such process has.   FANTASTIC!

This isn’t even the worst of it, sometimes (country-side mainly, near petrol stations) there might just be a big trough … like a trench, where you must straddle it- one foot on either side, squat down and do your business.  Once every 10 minutes or something some water might flush through in an attempt to…well you know.  But the point is, is that you’re either staring at some Chinese trucker guy face to face, smoking a cigarette and puffing it in your face, or… you’re staring at his butthole as he’s pushing one out.   …Luxury!!

Oh and no toilet paper.
As Karl Pilkington said…. “I thought this was the place where they made the Ipod … I think I got the wrong place, because this ain’t a place you need an ipod, have a toilet roll first”

kaer toiletkaer panda

Ok so as well, the situation given means that public bathrooms are not shy affairs.

What is a contradiction to all of this… and which defies logic is that Chinese girls actually act very shy when it comes to all kinds of private matters, like sex, going ‘niao niao’ (literally a children’s word for peeing) that they use, because apparently it sounds cute, and all of this kind of stuff.

As a friend put it..    “If you’re going to act all shy about this kind of stuff, fine, but how about you put some fucking doors on the toilets, instead of being perfectly fine showing your pussy to the world?!?”


This particular one, I’m happy to say I have no pictures of.

Peeing or shitting in public.

Wow.  Yeah. That is a real thing that happens in China.

I don’t have pictures for this one, and if I did… it would be a pretty bad outlook for myself.

I once saw a grown woman at Beijing station just peeing in just outside the main corridor that leads inside.



I realise Chinese public toilets generally seem to be incredibly terrible.  But I think many of us have realised that Chinese people have got used to it.

So why this lady was just peeing in public …. I have no idea.

… perhaps these toilets were on a different level.

She didn’t even try to find a corner or something